Specials and Make parts are offered under our house brand REDCIRCLE . Magnets are part of this and can be customized specifically for you. We have more than 20 years of experience in providing customized solutions. You offer us a technical drawing, so we can start to deliver the perfect magnets to you.
After you agreed with the quotation request, an extensive step-by-step plan will be drawn up. During this process we find it important to maintain extensive contact with you as a customer. When your REDCIRCLE magnets arrive, they are extensively tested based on your technical drawing and specifications. If approved, your magnets will receive a proper packaging and will then be delivered at your location.
A selection from the REDCIRCLE Magnets






In addition to the fact that you can order specials and make parts separately from us, you also have the option to use them in combination with our
TOP SYSTEM. The advantage of this is that your 'specials and make parts' are always in stock. Are you interested or do you have any questions
about our products? Contact us.