Ferro Fast also offers a form of the TWO-BIN System that works with RFID technology. With TOP-SYSTEM RFID we know your needs even faster which makes it particularly suitable for customers with a very high fastener turnover rate. We can completely unburden you as a customer in the fastener technology category.
 It works in the following way:
  • You provide us with a list of articles you want to include in the TWO-BIN system. You do not have article codes for fasteners? Ferrofast will provide coding of the articles based on the product descriptions.
  • These codes are coupled with Ferro Fast article codes by us.
  • You determine the stock level in the bins or Ferro Fast can calculate and adapt the optimal stock levels based on the usage pattern.
  • Ferro Fast visits your company to install the racks on places determined by you.
  • The bins are assembled by Ferro Fast, delivered filled, and placed in the racks by us. Moreover, we install a pallet with RFID technology for the empty bins. Ferro Fast receives a signal when a bin is placed in the RFID pallet.
  • For the refilling, a familiar driver of Ferro Fast visits on previously determined day(s) and timeslot(s) to place the filled bins in the racks and take the empty bins from the RFID pallet.
The advantage in comparison with TOP-SYSTEM Plus is that delivery times are even shorter. The signal that there is a need for a certain article already reaches Ferro Fast in the moment a bin is placed in the RFID-box. Then, this article can already be refilled with the next delivery.

The difference with 
 Plus is that articles do not have fixed bins. Per delivery, bins are coded with the proper article codes and the labels on the bins that return to Ferro Fast are removed in order to use them again.

Wondering about the possibilities?
 Contact us without obligation!

Brochure: click here

RFID Solutions - Array Readers

RFID Solutions - Software

RTLS Solutions

Fact Sheet: click here

Brochure: click here