The starter package of TOP-SYSTEM is well-suited for companies with a low fastener turnover rate. It works in the following way:

  • You provide us with a list of articles you want placed in one or more bins.
  • In the first delivery, Ferro Fast provides the filled bin including label with product information.
  • You monitor your own stock. In the moment a bin reaches a low stock level you easily order a refill with the barcode on the bin.
  • You receive the rights for two users for an app with which you can scan the barcodes.
  • Ferro Fast delivers the refill and you fill the bin yourself.

If you do not want to make use of bins or the article simply is not suitable to place in a bin, the bin can also be excluded from the process. It also is possible to only let Ferrofast deliver labels with barcodes which you put on your rack. In this way, you do not make use of bins yet the easy method of ordering easily via barcodes is still possible.

The advantages for your company are numerous. You keep the responsibility of fastener stock management yourself while you can make use of the extensive assortment and knowledge of fastener technology Ferrofast has. Deliveries take place in small bins with small refills to keep stock costs as low as possible. You determine the way of ordering and how many bins you want per article. You can also determine if there will be a central location for the bins or the TWO-BIN System is applied per production line or workplace.

Wondering about the possibilities?
Contact us without obligation!