The most important advantage of the TOP-SYSTEM. is the continuous production. By making deliveries JIT there always is enough stock to maintain production. Moreover, it is possible to work more efficiently with potential cost savings in the following areas: procurement, storage, staff, logistics and control. In addition, you always have insight in your fastener usage and you decrease your waste stream because packaging material is no longer necessary.

Because the TWO-BIN system is a pull production system, JIT advantages can be guaranteed. Within your organization, racks containing two bins of different products are placed by Ferrofast. These racks can be placed at several points close to your companies’ production line or in a central location. Both possibilities have their own advantages. The products that are placed within the racks are those products specifically used in that part of the production process. In this way, it is being prevented that products are kept in stock in places where they are not used and products are in close proximity to the production lines. A product is place in two bins behind each other where the first bin serves as stock to grab and the second bin as spare stock. The stock level being kept in the bins is determined by historic demand figures, forecasts on demand, product value, frequency of delivery and dispersion of usage where the stock level of both bins guarantee continuous production.

To make the process of placing bins as smooth and fast as possible Ferro Fast works with a clear location system where bins can be found quickly. This provides advantages for your employees as well as Ferrofast’s employees because without any product specific knowledge products can still be located quickly.

The TWO-BIN system is available in the types

Conceptual representation of the TWO-BIN process:


Insight into your product information at any time of the day

Besides the fact that Ferro Fast ensures you can produce without having to keep an eye on stock levels of your C-parts, we also have developed a management tool: Access Online. This tool provides extra insights in products you purchase at Ferro Fast and is an addition to the TOP SYSTEM. You can view information of your articles, online, each moment of the day. In this way, next to product data, you find more specific data like your article number, bin stock level and location of the bin within your company. You can also download the historic demand information and overview of the locations which means Ferro Fast takes over a small part of your administration.
Customers who use the TWO-BIN System can login online and view the articles they purchase at Ferro Fast. These articles contain extensive information like:

  • Your own article code;
  • Ferro Fast’s article code;
  • An extensive article description (yours and ours);
  • The location(s) of these articles within your organization;
  • The stock level;
  • The possibility to download an Excel file with the total overview of all articles you purchase at Ferro Fast.
  • The possibility to download an overview of the purchase history per article.

Impression of Access Online

The images underneath provide an impression of the data you can view as a TOP-SYSTEM customer.